USA (Fulfilled by our USA warehouse)

1-2 days to process an order. 5-12 days of transit time.

Free Shipping on all Litter Subscriptions and Litter Boxes within the contiguous United States (lower 48 states). For all Other Products we sell, Shipping Fees are the following:

State Total in Basket Shipping Fee
Lower 48 $39 and higher* Free shipping
Lower 48 $39 and lower $12

*Note: We do not ship to US states outside of the Lower 48 states/contiguous United States.

EUROPEAN UNION AND UNITED KINGDOM (Fulfilled by our European Union warehouse)

1-2 days to process an order. 5-12 days of transit time.

Free Shipping on all Litter Subscriptions and Litter Boxes shipped to France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Italy. For all Other Products we sell, Shipping Fees are the following:

Destination Total in Basket Shipping Fee
France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Italy €39 and higher* Free shipping
Rest of European Union + UK €39 and lower €12